Anglistentag 2024, 15. - 18. Sept. 2024, Siegen: Embodiment at the intersection of grammar and lexis in English (Panel organiser together with Maximiliane Frobenius)
AILA 60th Anniversary 21st World Congress of Applied Linguistics, organized by David Caldwell, Marcus Callies, and Eva-Maria Graf, 11. – 16. August 2024, Kuala Lumpur: Fehleinkauf – transfer flops ReN Symposium “Diversity and inclusion in and through Applied Linguistics and Sport” (presentation).
Food Studies Cluster Symposium on The Language of Food: Exploring Culinary Communication and Culture, 29. – 31. January 2024, Nanyang Technological University: Exgredients – “vegan, gluten-free, no artificial flavours” (presentation)
Populäre Kulturen - 8. Jahrestagung der Kulturwissenschaftlichen Gesellschaft (KWG), Saarland University, 27.–30. September 2023, Saarbrücken: Navigating the Covid-19 pandemic as essential workers in ‘Superstore’ (presentation)
Anglistentag 2023, 24. - 27. Sept. 2023, Siegen: Exgredients – a diachronic perspective in traditional Anglo-American cuisine. (presentation)
3rd Conference on Food & Communication, 13.-15. Sept 2023, Örebro: Exgredients – Delimiters of ‘good food’? (presentation)
Colloquium Linguistics Södertörn University, 12. Sept 2023, Stockholm: Exgredients – Delimiters of ‘good food’? (presentation Erasmus staff mobility)
IPrA 17 17th Conference of the International Pragmatics Association, 9.-14. Juli 2023, Brussels: Who pays on the first date? Moral accountability in the linguistic and embodied negotiation of gender roles during blind dates on reality TV (presentation together with Maximiliane Frobenius)
IPrA 17 17th Conference of the International Pragmatics Association, 9.-14. Juli 2023, Brussels: “Uhm, Bean.” – Interactional humour in films using dephonemicised language (presentation together with Maximiliane Frobenius)
IPrA 17 17th Conference of the International Pragmatics Association, 9.-14. Juli 2023, Brussels: Who pays? Traditional gender roles as performances of normality in mainstream media (panel together with Maximiliane Frobenius)
Linguistische Ringvorlesung SoSe 2022, Universität Bremen, organised by Marcus Callies und Inke Du Bois “Sportkommunikation. Sprache, Medien, Kultur – Interdisziplinäre Perspektiven”: Dem Bürgermeister seine Frau ihr Stadion – Linguistik der Stadionumbenennungen (public lecture)
Anglistentag 2022, Mainz, 2. – 5. Sept. 2022, Sektion “Language and / in film, organsised by Christina Sanchez-Stockhammer and Christian R. Hoffmann: “Uhm, Bean.” – Non-natural dialogue in comedy including language as sound (presentation together with Maximiliane Frobenius)
ESSE European Society for the Study of English Conference 2022 Mainz, 29. Aug – 2. Sep 2022, Mainz: Teaching mediation with a transfer-oriented, third mission perspective (presentation)
Anglistentag 2022, Mainz, 2. – 5. Sept. 2022, Sektion “Language and / in film, organsised by Christina Sanchez-Stockhammer and Christian R. Hoffmann: “Uhm, Bean.” – Non-natural dialogue in comedy including language as sound (presentation together with Maximiliane Frobenius)
ESSE European Society for the Study of English Conference 2022 Mainz, 29. Aug – 2. Sep 2022, Mainz: Teaching mediation with a transfer-oriented, third mission perspective (presentation)
ÖLT 2021 46. Österreichische Linguistik-Tagung Online-Workshop Sprache und Fußball II / Language and Football II / Langage et football II, 10. - 12. Dezember, Wien: The discourse of stadium renamings: A comparative analysis of fan communication in Germany and the UK (presentation together with Marcus Callies, Bremen, and Ben Clarke, Götheborg)
ÖLT 2021 46. Österreichische Linguistik-Tagung VERBAL-Workshop Namen in Veränderung(en), 10. - 12. Dezember 2021, Wien: Namensänderungen von Fußballstadien (presentation)
6th Saarbrücken Conference on Foreign Language Teaching / 6. Saarbrücker Fremdsprachentagung / 6e Congrès sarrebruckois de l'enseignement des langues étrangères, 27. - 29. Oktober 2021, Saarbrücken: Teaching mediation with a project-based, transfer-oriented (third mission) perspective (presentation)
The 2nd Biennial Conference on Food & Communication, 15. - 17. September 2021, Ljubljana: Does taste matter when replacing ingredients in recipes? - The construction of taste in vegan food blog commentary
AILA 2021 19th World Congress of Applied Linguistics, 15. - 21. August 2021, Groningen: Whose taste matters? Authority, meaning, and culture in the linguistics of food (panel organization together with Sally Wiggins)
AILA 2021 19th World Congress of Applied Linguistics, 15. - 21. August 2021, Groningen: Does taste matter? replacing ingredients in recipes: propositions from vegan food blog commentary (presentation)
AILA 2021 19th World Congress of Applied Linguistics, 15. - 21. August 2021, Groningen: The re-naming of sports stadiums: the role of digital technology (presentation together with Ben Clarke)
IPrA 2021 17th International Pragmatics Conference, 27. Juni - 2. Juli 2021, Winterthur: The re-naming of stadiums (presentation together with Ben Clarke)
Communication Research Seminar series, organized by the Division of Cognition and Communication at the Department of Applied Information Technology, 28. April 2021, Göteborg University: Naming rights sponsorship: The renamings of football stadiums fron an applied linguistics perspective (presentation together with Ben Clarke)
Communication Research Seminar series, organized by the Division of Cognition and Communication at the Department of Applied Information Technology, 28. April 2021, Göteborg University: The construction of veganism in vegan food blogs (presentation)
ÖLT 2021 46. Österreichische Linguistik-Tagung VERBAL-Workshop Namen in Veränderung(en), 10. - 12. Dezember 2021, Wien: Namensänderungen von Fußballstadien (presentation)
6th Saarbrücken Conference on Foreign Language Teaching / 6. Saarbrücker Fremdsprachentagung / 6e Congrès sarrebruckois de l'enseignement des langues étrangères, 27. - 29. Oktober 2021, Saarbrücken: Teaching mediation with a project-based, transfer-oriented (third mission) perspective (presentation)
The 2nd Biennial Conference on Food & Communication, 15. - 17. September 2021, Ljubljana: Does taste matter when replacing ingredients in recipes? - The construction of taste in vegan food blog commentary
AILA 2021 19th World Congress of Applied Linguistics, 15. - 21. August 2021, Groningen: Whose taste matters? Authority, meaning, and culture in the linguistics of food (panel organization together with Sally Wiggins)
AILA 2021 19th World Congress of Applied Linguistics, 15. - 21. August 2021, Groningen: Does taste matter? replacing ingredients in recipes: propositions from vegan food blog commentary (presentation)
AILA 2021 19th World Congress of Applied Linguistics, 15. - 21. August 2021, Groningen: The re-naming of sports stadiums: the role of digital technology (presentation together with Ben Clarke)
IPrA 2021 17th International Pragmatics Conference, 27. Juni - 2. Juli 2021, Winterthur: The re-naming of stadiums (presentation together with Ben Clarke)
Communication Research Seminar series, organized by the Division of Cognition and Communication at the Department of Applied Information Technology, 28. April 2021, Göteborg University: Naming rights sponsorship: The renamings of football stadiums fron an applied linguistics perspective (presentation together with Ben Clarke)
Communication Research Seminar series, organized by the Division of Cognition and Communication at the Department of Applied Information Technology, 28. April 2021, Göteborg University: The construction of veganism in vegan food blogs (presentation)
Anglistentag 2019, 22. – 25. September 2019, Leipzig: Teaching (how to teach) vocabulary: a blended learning project moving a practical language class (Sprachpraxis) towards a more research-oriented focus on teaching methodology (Fachdidaktik) (Poster together with Verena Bernardi, Daniel Honert and Henry Rademacher, all English Department, Saarland University)
Anglistentag 2019, 22. – 25. September 2019, Leipzig: Constructing immediacy at a distance: the comment section of online blogs (presentation)
Anglistentag 2019, 22. – 25. September 2019, Leipzig: Constructing immediacy at a distance: the comment section of online blogs (presentation)
"Talking about Food: Local & Global Contexts", 26. – 28. April 2018, Bayreuth, English Linguistics: The construction of veganism in vegan food blogs (Presentation)
SS 22 Sociolinguistics Symposium, 27. – 30. June 2018, Auckland, NZL: The re-naming of sports stadiums: Club stances and media and supporter reception (Presentation, together with Ben Clarke, Goteborg)
2nd Discourse Analysis Symposium, 02. July 2018, Victoria University Wellington Discourse Analysis Group, Wellington, NZL, organised by Meredith Marra (Part of the Expert Panel)
1st Biannual Conference on Food and Communication, 06. – 07. September 2018, Edinburgh, Queen Margaret University, Centre for Communication, Culture and Media Studies: The construction of veganism in vegan food blogs (Presentation)
Open Minds II Workshop “Comparative Interactional Linguistics”, 27. – 28. September 2018, Potsdam, organised by Elisabeth Reber, Würzburg (Presentation, together with Forschungsstelle Interaktionale Linguistik)
SS 22 Sociolinguistics Symposium, 27. – 30. June 2018, Auckland, NZL: The re-naming of sports stadiums: Club stances and media and supporter reception (Presentation, together with Ben Clarke, Goteborg)
2nd Discourse Analysis Symposium, 02. July 2018, Victoria University Wellington Discourse Analysis Group, Wellington, NZL, organised by Meredith Marra (Part of the Expert Panel)
1st Biannual Conference on Food and Communication, 06. – 07. September 2018, Edinburgh, Queen Margaret University, Centre for Communication, Culture and Media Studies: The construction of veganism in vegan food blogs (Presentation)
Open Minds II Workshop “Comparative Interactional Linguistics”, 27. – 28. September 2018, Potsdam, organised by Elisabeth Reber, Würzburg (Presentation, together with Forschungsstelle Interaktionale Linguistik)
International Workshop on Sports Communication. 13. - 14. June 2017, Siegen: The reception of live football broadcasting: Appropriating media discourse in everyday life
IPrA 15 International Pragmatics Conference, 16. – 21. July 2017, Belfast: Activities in interaction (Panel organisation, together with Elisabeth Reber, Würzburg)
IPrA 15 International Pragmatics Conference, 16. – 21. July 2017, Belfast: ‘Showing’, not ‘pointing’ (Presentation)
IPrA 15 International Pragmatics Conference, 16. – 21. July 2017, Belfast: The construction of veganism in vegan food blogs (Presentation, together with Isabel Schul, Saarland)
LL & L 24 Lavender Languages & Linguistics, 28. – 30. April 2017, Nottingham: Trans food practices in popular culture? - The TV Show ‘Transparent’ (Presentation, together with Astrid Fellner, Saarland)
IPrA 15 International Pragmatics Conference, 16. – 21. July 2017, Belfast: Activities in interaction (Panel organisation, together with Elisabeth Reber, Würzburg)
IPrA 15 International Pragmatics Conference, 16. – 21. July 2017, Belfast: ‘Showing’, not ‘pointing’ (Presentation)
IPrA 15 International Pragmatics Conference, 16. – 21. July 2017, Belfast: The construction of veganism in vegan food blogs (Presentation, together with Isabel Schul, Saarland)
LL & L 24 Lavender Languages & Linguistics, 28. – 30. April 2017, Nottingham: Trans food practices in popular culture? - The TV Show ‘Transparent’ (Presentation, together with Astrid Fellner, Saarland)
Keynote Speaker Culinary Linguistics, The International Linguistic Association 61st Annual Conference (former Linguistic Circle of New York), 11. – 13. March 2016, Hofstra University, N.Y. (together with Stefan Diemer, Birkenfeld)
ISGS 2016 7th Conference of the International Society for Gesture Studies, 18. - 22. July 2016, Paris: ‘Showing’ in talk-in-interaction
ISGS 2016 7th Conference of the International Society for Gesture Studies, 18. - 22. July 2016, Paris: ‘Showing’ in talk-in-interaction
International Year of Light, Licht als Wort, Saarland University (General public)
ICCA14 International Conference on Conversation Analysis, 25. – 29. June 2014, Los Angeles: Epistemic stance in ‘notables’: What is it we are witnessing. (Presentation)
MEmI 4 Multimodality and Embodied Interaction, 4. Netzwerktreffen zu Methodology and multimodal interaction, 25. – 27. September 2014, Bielefeld (Organiser, together with Elisabeth Reber, Würzburg, Christian Meyer and Ulrich von Wedelstädt, Bielefeld)
MEmI 4 Multimodality and Embodied Interaction, 4. Netzwerktreffen zu Methodology and multimodal interaction, 25. – 27. September 2014, Bielefeld (Organiser, together with Elisabeth Reber, Würzburg, Christian Meyer and Ulrich von Wedelstädt, Bielefeld)
MEmI 2 Multimodality and Embodied Interaction, 2. Netzwerktreffen zu Coordination and Multimodal Interaction, 22. – 25. May 2013, Würzburg (Organiser, Leitung, together with Elisabeth Reber, Würzburg)
MEmI 3 Multimodality and Embodied Interaction, 3. Netzwerktreffen zu Sequential organisation of multimodal interaction, 29. September – 2. Oktober 2013, Potsdam (Organiser, together with Elisabeth Reber, Würzburg und Maxi Kupetz, Potsdam)
MEmI 3 Multimodality and Embodied Interaction, 3. Netzwerktreffen zu Sequential organisation of multimodal interaction, 29. September – 2. Oktober 2013, Potsdam (Organiser, together with Elisabeth Reber, Würzburg und Maxi Kupetz, Potsdam)
SS 19 Sociolinguistics Symposium, 22. – 24. August 2012, Berlin: The sociolinguistics of football (Panel organisation)
SS 19 Sociolinguistics Symposium, 22. – 24. August 2012, Berlin: Is anything happening on the pitch? Constructing notability in talk (Presentation)
MEmI 1 Multimodality and Embodied Interaction, 1. Netzwerktreffen zu Data collection, transcription and technology, 7. – 10. November 2012, Saarbrücken (Organiser, together with Elisabeth Reber, Würzburg)
Data session Multimodality, 10. – 11. December 2012, Luxemburg, University of Luxemburg, organised by Kristian Mortensen
SS 19 Sociolinguistics Symposium, 22. – 24. August 2012, Berlin: Is anything happening on the pitch? Constructing notability in talk (Presentation)
MEmI 1 Multimodality and Embodied Interaction, 1. Netzwerktreffen zu Data collection, transcription and technology, 7. – 10. November 2012, Saarbrücken (Organiser, together with Elisabeth Reber, Würzburg)
Data session Multimodality, 10. – 11. December 2012, Luxemburg, University of Luxemburg, organised by Kristian Mortensen
IPrA 11 International Pragmatics Conference, 3. – 8. July 2011, Manchester: Participation framework revisited: (new) media and their audiences/users (Panel organisation together with Maximiliane Frobenius, Saarland, and Volker Eisenlauer, Augsburg, Discussant: Ian Hutchby)
IPrA 11 International Pragmatics Conference, 3. – 8. July 2011, Manchester: Participation frameworks in the reception situation: the television as ratified speaker (Presentation)
1. Saarbrücker Fremdsprachentagung, 3. – 5. November 2011, Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft Saarbrücken: Juristische Fachvorlesungen in französischer Sprache - EMILE in praktischer Anwendung (Presentation together with Sybille Neumann, HTW Saarbrücken)
IPrA 11 International Pragmatics Conference, 3. – 8. July 2011, Manchester: Participation frameworks in the reception situation: the television as ratified speaker (Presentation)
1. Saarbrücker Fremdsprachentagung, 3. – 5. November 2011, Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft Saarbrücken: Juristische Fachvorlesungen in französischer Sprache - EMILE in praktischer Anwendung (Presentation together with Sybille Neumann, HTW Saarbrücken)
ICCA 10 International Conference on Conversation Analysis, 4. – 8. July 2010, Mannheim: Notability: how the television influences talk-in-interaction (Presentation)
(cf Scheerer, Jana. 2010. Interaction in Media(ted) Settings? An ICCA10 report. Gesprächsforschung 11, 294-304)
SS 18 Sociolinguistics Symposium, 3. – 4. September 2010, Southampton: “half the team’s Afro-Caribbeans”: How a simple ball game opens space for the negotiation of national identities (Presentation)
(cf Scheerer, Jana. 2010. Interaction in Media(ted) Settings? An ICCA10 report. Gesprächsforschung 11, 294-304)
SS 18 Sociolinguistics Symposium, 3. – 4. September 2010, Southampton: “half the team’s Afro-Caribbeans”: How a simple ball game opens space for the negotiation of national identities (Presentation)
I-mean 09 I-mean@UWE Conference on „Meaning and interaction“, 23. – 25. April 2009, Bristol: Negotiating the meaning of broader categories in talk: The case of patriotism (Presentation)
SS 17 Sociolinguistics Symposium, 3. – 5. April 2008, Amsterdam: More than wallpaper: The television during live football matches (Presentation)
AILA 08 Weltkongress der International Association of Applied Linguistics, 24. – 29. August 2008, Essen: Negotiating multimodality: The gaze behaviour of television viewers (Presentation)
AILA 08 Weltkongress der International Association of Applied Linguistics, 24. – 29. August 2008, Essen: Negotiating multimodality: The gaze behaviour of television viewers (Presentation)
Junior Days Anéla/GAL Research meeting for junior applied linguistics, 24. – 26. January 2007, Groningen: Watching television: the dilemma of gaze (Presentation und Poster)
IPrA 07 International Pragmatics Conference, 8. – 13. July 2007, Göteborg: The appropriation of media discourse (Panel Organisation)
IPrA 07 International Pragmatics Conference, 8. – 13. July 2007, Göteborg: The gaze behaviour of spectators: Tackling the multimodality of watching TV (Presentation)
ÖLT 07 Verbal-Workshop „Language and football“ im Rahmen der Österreichischen Linguistik-Tagung, 26. – 28. October 2007, Innsbruck: Turn-by-turn and move-by-move: a multimodal analysis of live TV commentary (Presentation)
IPrA 07 International Pragmatics Conference, 8. – 13. July 2007, Göteborg: The appropriation of media discourse (Panel Organisation)
IPrA 07 International Pragmatics Conference, 8. – 13. July 2007, Göteborg: The gaze behaviour of spectators: Tackling the multimodality of watching TV (Presentation)
ÖLT 07 Verbal-Workshop „Language and football“ im Rahmen der Österreichischen Linguistik-Tagung, 26. – 28. October 2007, Innsbruck: Turn-by-turn and move-by-move: a multimodal analysis of live TV commentary (Presentation)
ICCA 06 International Conference on Conversation Analysis, 10. – 14. May 2006, Helsinki: The negotiation of expertise in symmetrical talk (Presentation)
Open Day, Saarland University, 1. July 2006, Saarbrücken: „they’d be worse than Germany“: Warum die Amis bei der WM früh `rausfliegen sollten (General public)
SS 16 Sociolinguistics Symposium, 6. – 8. July 2006, Limerick: Spectatorship – the negotiation and mitigation of conflicting roles (Presentation)
Transcultura Symposium “Sport(s) Rules – Sport-Regel(n) – Le règle(ment) du sport”, 10. – 14. July 2006, Merzig: „upf, yellow card, surely”: English football fans watching the WC on TV (Presentation)
GAL 06 Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für angewandte Linguistik, 21. – 23. September 2006, Münster: Mehr als Tapete: Der Fernseher im Wohnzimmer (Poster)
3rd Teachers’ Day Spoken grammar?, Fachdidaktische Fortbildungsveranstaltung des Saarlandes, Saarland University, 16. October 2006, Saarbrücken (Co-organiser)
1st E-learning day Saarland University, 21. November 2006, Saarbrücken: Blended learning: Introduction to English linguistics-syntax (Poster, together with Susanne Ley, Saarland)
Open Day, Saarland University, 1. July 2006, Saarbrücken: „they’d be worse than Germany“: Warum die Amis bei der WM früh `rausfliegen sollten (General public)
SS 16 Sociolinguistics Symposium, 6. – 8. July 2006, Limerick: Spectatorship – the negotiation and mitigation of conflicting roles (Presentation)
Transcultura Symposium “Sport(s) Rules – Sport-Regel(n) – Le règle(ment) du sport”, 10. – 14. July 2006, Merzig: „upf, yellow card, surely”: English football fans watching the WC on TV (Presentation)
GAL 06 Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für angewandte Linguistik, 21. – 23. September 2006, Münster: Mehr als Tapete: Der Fernseher im Wohnzimmer (Poster)
3rd Teachers’ Day Spoken grammar?, Fachdidaktische Fortbildungsveranstaltung des Saarlandes, Saarland University, 16. October 2006, Saarbrücken (Co-organiser)
1st E-learning day Saarland University, 21. November 2006, Saarbrücken: Blended learning: Introduction to English linguistics-syntax (Poster, together with Susanne Ley, Saarland)
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